Saturday, October 27, 2007

GRE=Done :) and Sara's first cooking experience in BF

I finished my GREs! Yippee! I will tell you there is nothing about that exam I even remotely enjoy. Before I tell fill you on Friday’s events I will tell you about how the exam went. It was pretty killer. I mean the writing part was tough, I think I liked the computer based writing better because I can type faster than I can write and you can more easily rearrange your thoughts using a computer. Anyway, I think I may have done better with the writing the first time around. Oh well. I was happy with that score anyway. I was under the impression the written version was exactly like the computer test just one paper. Nope. Not the case. The computer one has 30 verbal questions in 30 minutes. This one had 38 questions in 30 minutes. Also, the computer math one had 28 math problems in 45 minutes and this one had 30 problems in 30 minutes. You tell me… And, not only that you had to do two separate verbal and two separate math sections. I think I did okay though, even without knowing what I was up against ahead of time. I was able to skip the hard questions and go back later. I had enough time to finish everything which was awesome. The only complaint I have is that it was FREEZING in the room. Not only was it cold, but I was at a desk that directly in the line of air flow from the air conditioner. I asked several times for them to adjust the temperature, but it was no use. Anyway, I suffered through it and if anything it kept me more alert even if I was uncomfortable. The Wolters drove me to the test and picked me up which was very nice of them to do. After the test I went to Alice’s and lunch with Leanna and Tyler. It was fun very impromptu and a much appreciated celebration of my test being over. Now I am back at my office. I have a French lesson in 15 minutes and then I am going to the Edge service with Leanna. Excellent things to look forward too…

So to fill you on Friday… I really wanted to go back to the conference, but Konate was acting like we weren’t going to go because Professor Maiga had just gotten back and might need up for something. I was pretty bummed. BUT then we went over to look at the gravel filters and realized they have a rain water collecting system at 2iE. Well, someone that inspired Konate so I went and took some pictures and we headed off to the meeting. He wanted to show the people what 2iE was working on. I didn’t care why we were going I was just happy to get to go. Well, it turned out to be an all day thing. It was great. I got to listen to French spoken all day and to tell you the truth by the end I was getting about 80% of what was being said. I also was able to talk to Nicolas, the clay filter guy, a bit more and get his contact info. Two funny observations about the day: 1. during the breakout session group discussion people were like yelling at each other. I was informed that that is how they do things here. When people discuss things they become very animated. Which I think is good really. I would rather people get it all out and deal with issues than not say anything or sugar coat it. 2. Lunch was provided and it was a beef with cream sauce and rice. I really liked it. It reminded me of beef stroganoff. The Africans however thought it was too bland… kind of amusing. Friday night I got back after declining an invite to watch a movie at Leanna’s. I talked to Pascal about church on Sunday and confirmed plans for the Wolters for today’s exam. Since I was gone all day I had to reschedule my French lesson which was a pain in the butt. However, after all that mess I did get to talk to my Mom for like 45 minutes which was fantastic. We hadn’t talked in a really long time! I got off the phone to run and get dinner, but the place was closed L. With my test the next day I was somewhat distraught. But I remembered I had some noodles and sauce and determined I would cook dinner for myself. Excellent, except I don’t know how to get the key to unlock the communal kitchen. So I prepared a sentence for the security guard and found som courage and asked him about the key. His response, “I don’t understand you (In French of course…)”. I was so defeated. After spending all day listening to French I was still incomprehensible. Oh well. I got my point across by walking him over to the kitchen and motioning that I needed a key. He knocked on my next door neighbor’s door. Apparently he has a key. Nice. Why don’t I get a key? I will be asking that question on Monday thank you. Anyway, the gas stove without electric ignition was fun to learn to use. But all said and done it was a good dinner and I got a lot of satisfaction out of figuring out how to get the key and cooking for myself. I watched an episode of Grey’s and then studied a bit and went to bed. I finished reading the latest book I started, “Slaughterhouse-Five”. It was really good. I liked it a lot, but I don’t think it is for everyone. The plot is super trippy and hard to follow at times, but I think it is a genius piece of work…

One last thing I would like to add is that last night I kept hearing some very discomforting noises of like someone inciting a crowd. It could have been anything, and I haven't heard anything today to indicate I should be concerned. It could have been a soccer match or a church service for all I know. But I had been sitting in my living room which has slatted doors so you can hear outside noises very well. After a while I couldn't take it and went into my bedroom and turned on the A/C. Yes, I was denying that there may be a problem. Can you blame me though? I had my test the next day and the last thing I wanted to think about was a riot, which was and is highly unlikely. Anyway. Have a good day. I am.